
The Cows

Griffen and Penny

The story on our cows… 

We started with a small herd of nine Jersey cows almost ten years ago, and have grown to a whopping twenty milkers. Our cows come from a long line of distinguished cows at other New England dairy farms that specialize in cheese, yogurt and raw milk. Each cow gets individual attention every day, and each rewards us with her own strong personality.

Our cows are out on pasture as long as the grass is growing, and even on the nice winter days when it’s not. They get a fresh paddock of grass after every milking, moving twice a day or sometimes more in the spring, to make sure they get all the nutrients they need and enough energy to produce lots of milk. Making milk is hard work!

Jerseys are known for their rich milk and their ability to convert grass into energy more efficiently than other breeds of cows. On average, they produce slightly less milk than a typical American dairy breed like a Holstein, but the milk they do produce is richer and has a higher protein content which makes it perfect for turning into cheese and yogurt.